Roseraie de la Cour de Commer, Les Roses de l'Impératrice: La Rosomanie au Temps de Joséphine by François Joyaux {Scented Paths & Fragrant Addresses} {Fragrant Reading} {Rose Notebook}


François Joyaux, who used to be best known as a specialist of political sciences and Asia (cf. La Nouvelle Question d'Extrême-Orient), has become a renowned rose expert and author. He has already written several books on the topic including his latest one bearing the title Les Roses de l'Impératrice: la rosomanie au temps de Joséphine (The Roses of the Empress: rose mania in the times of Joséphine), in which he studies the rose craze in the society of the First Empire which reflected itself in all aspects of culture and society from architectural ornamentation to rose collecting. Joséphine de Beauharnais in particular is famous for having developed a unique collection of roses in the greenhouses at Malmaison, which were drawn very precisely by artist Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759-1840) and published in a book of prints called Les Roses (1817-1824).......

Rosa Gallica Charles de Mills 

François Joyaux started collecting roses thirty years ago. He has created a conservatory of rare ancient roses that includes more than a thousand varietals and is the owner of a unique collection of so-called "Gallic Roses", which has been officially listed on the national registry as a "National Collection." He is the founder of the association Rosa Gallica, president of the French Federation for the Rose, vice-president of the Conservation Committe of the World Federation for Roses Societies, as well as a member of numerous French and international jurys.

During the month of June, and only during this month, everyone interested can visit this conservatory of rare varietals and discover his unique collection of ancient French roses. The conservatory is open every day during the following hours: 10 am-noon and 2-6 pm.

Conservatoire de variétés rares
53470 Commer (France)
Téléphone :
Télécopieur :
Mél : 

(Sources:, Editions Complexe, Rosa Gallica,

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