Chez Moi by L'Artisan Parfumeur {New Home Fragrance}

L'Artisan Parfumeur is offering a new generation of home fragrance diffuser called Chez Moi (At Home), which sounds like the olfactory equivalent of the Bose Acoustic Wave music system,
"Chez Moi® invents another, completely new conception of home fragrance which imitates the way nature entices our sense of smell with its scents. The new technique, a piezoelectric heat-free system, fragments the perfume molecules into microdroplets, and propels them in soft, sensual waves into the atmosphere of the room." .......
Priority is given to olfactory sensitivity, the finesse of the sensation, the continuity of pleasure. Chez Moi® creates a discretely caressing climate, like the subtle harmonies of background music or the comfortable softness of concealed lighting. Just as perfume reveals the skin, so Chez Moi® proposes a choice of fragrances that highlight the personality of a home interior. It inaugurates a new art of perfuming the home, expressing the poetry of a space which reinstates nature in the veracity of its original accords."
The line includes 5 different scent compositions,
"Four of these, Mure Sauvage (Wild Blackberry), Intérieur Figuier (Fig Tree Interior), Mimosa Marin (Marine Mimosa), L’Ambre (Amber), have been selected from l'Artisan Parfumeur's most popular perfumes. Cedre Bleu (Blue Cedar) was created exclusively for Chez Moi."
The portable fragrance diffuser retails for $250. Each bead retails for $20.
You can purchase them here. They also have a blog dedicated to the product.
(Source: press release)