Scented Quote of the Day, from Serge Lutens: - {Fragrant Reading}

3 NB. Serge Lutens.jpg
Photo: Ling Fei/Salons du Palais Royal

"A quoi sert le parfum ?

Nous sommes tous fragiles. Le parfum est une arme contre notre fragilité, notre timidité.
Il sert à s'exprimer, à se donner l'image la plus cohérente qu'on aimerait que les autres aient de soi. Séduire, c'est être soi-même et rencontrer les autres.
Sinon, cela peut être utile pour un comportement social. On porte un sac à initiales et un parfum qu'on reconnaît partout. Ainsi, on ne risque pas d'être aimé pour soi-même."

Translation & interview after the jump.......... 

"What is the usefulness of perfume?

We are all fragile. Perfume is a weapon against our fragility, our shyness. It helps us express ourselves, to build the most coherent of images that we would like others to have of ourselves. To seduce is to be oneself and to meet the others. Otherwise it can be useful regarding a social behavior. One carries a bag with initials on it and a perfume that is recognized everywhere. In this manner, one does not risk being loved for oneself."

You can read the rest of this interview with Serge Lutens by Marie-Lucie Valenberghe in 

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  1. Only he could explain the carrying of bags with initials as a measure against being loved for oneself!

    He is extremely cultivated, despite his upbringing (or perhaps exactly because of it!). Always interesting to read his views.


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