Yankee Candle Release Peeps Bougie for Easter 2014 {New Perfume}


Peeps Show Up in Scented Candle Form 


Yankee Candle have found a new household scent to perfume their limited-edition bougie for Easter 2014. Turning to the beloved Peeps for inspiration, you will be able to smell the yummy yellowness of Peeps Marshmallow Chicks, incredibly said to be made with "with pure, natural extracts"...

These would be mallow and vanilla, which is a strange tack on the popular sweet considering how artificial and glowingly neon-colored Peeps are. But there might be a marketing logic to perfumery where you're supposed to smell only "pure, natural extracts", or think you are, in order to clear your conscience from the suspicion of inhaling distateful fumes for your health. 

Each year, the Washington Post organizes a Peeps Diorama contest where you can win the admiration of your Peeps peers and a $200 gift certificate.

Price: 27,90€/$27,99 for 22 oz/623 g. Available on peepsandcompany.com

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