Gwen Stefani L, Céline Ellena Interview, Pubs In Want of Smoke, Perfume Shop, My DNA Fragrance {The 5th Sense in the News}

An interview with Gwen Stefani where she confides "I'm like every other woman. I'm super vain, I have issues." Thanks for the generalizing bit.....
And about her new perfume L,
She's recently moved into handbags and launched a diffusion line, Harajuku Lovers. And what celebrity franchise is complete without a perfume? Her latest venture is a bespoke scent called L. 'I would never have done a fragrance as ce-leb-ri-tee ...' she maintains, tapping the syllables out on her tongue, 'just to do one for the sake of it. But because I have L.A.M.B. it's really the most milestone, prestigious kinda moment. Basically, you have an inspiration of a perfume that you like, whether it's a flower or a certain direction.'
Read more in The Guardian.....
Another interview today with Céline Ellena, the daughter of celebrated Hermès in-house perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena (who, rumor has it, is writing a book. We are not surprised; his interviews are some of the most interesting ones we have come across). She creates for the niche label The Different Company and has also composed a rose fragrance, Rose Divine, for the Isabel Derroisné brand........
You can read her informal exchange with Siobhan Roth. We liked her father's advice:
"...if you want to put some rose oil in the perfume, do it because it's necessary to the fragrance, not because you love rose."
Read more on the online Smithsonian Magazine......
After a ban on public smoking in pubs was passed on July 1st in Great Britain, the realization now is that the smell of smoke was helpful in covering some unwelcome bodily smells and latrine effluvia, to be quite frank,
"The smell of freshly mown grass could be pumped into pubs to mask the foul odour of stale beer, sweat and drains that was previously disguised by cigarette smoke.
Ocean breezes, leather and, perhaps surprisingly, tobacco smoke are some of the aromas being tested by Mitchells & Butlers, which manages 2,000 pubs."
Read more in the Daily Mail......
A critical report on the Perfume Shop in Kensington Arcade in the Telegraph. What Not to do in order to attract customers,
"In a business that trades on seduction and the senses, this shop had all the appeal of a dodgy market trader. I wouldn't have been surprised if someone had suddenly packed up the whole shop into a battered old suitcase and taken off with it down Kensington High Street, fast pursued by the law."
Is it a good idea to have a perfume made based on one's DNA? While you find the answer, a company called My DNA Fragrance is proposing to do just that,
Photo from the Daily Mail