L'Origan by Coty for Thanksgiving Day {Fragrance of the Moment} - A Poem-Review About L'Origan by Coty (1905)

L'Origan Coty Ad 1950.jpg
L'Origan ad by Coty, 1950

The scent of L'Origan by Coty smells yellow and warm to the melting point,

It is also chewy - delicious, strong - and soft.

You smell the color of corns on the cobs, sunflowers, golden rooms, and peaches.

The unforgettable-yet-forgotten sunshine side of L'Heure Bleue by Guerlain

It's like a solar Aztec stone wheel rolled on the gray and wet Paris cobblestones

Or again - it's like its perky morning-person side, looking ahead to the rest of the day...

L'Heure Bleue, later, was to become the blue-gray negative of L'Origan

In the cooler and younger perfume, blue, wistful flowers are waltzing - hesitant, languorous

in the warmer, older perfume, yellow, never triste flowers tap dance in the countryside fields

L'Origan poses with a perpetual sweet, triumphant smile of sheer happiness, half-hidden by peaches-and-cream satin curtains

It harbors this truth, that the sun will rise again tomorrow

L'Heure Bleue sensed the eve of the Great War

Its smell of happiness is different - poignant

Its gold reached melting point, before fading into smokes and blues

They say you can't compare apples & oranges - but you can compare an orange with a blue orange.

Thanksgiving Life Cover Albert D. Blashfield.jpg
Albert D. Blashfield, "Thanksgiving 1900"

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