Scented Quote of the Day, from Herve This: About Note a Note Numero Un

Herve This, a chemist specialist of molecular gastronomy, described what he calls the first molecular dish composed note by note, signed by his friend chef Pierre Gagnaire in Hong Kong in April 2009. It is dubbed Note à Note Numéro 1, because there will be more, and sounds like the name of a fine fragrance created by a super edgy nose (see picture above courtesy of
"It is not something that is soft, nor is it liquid, but it includes various consistencies: pearls whose taste is reminiscent of apple and of the consistency of the pearls from Japan, a granité reminiscent of the taste of lemon, very fresh, the hull of a material reminiscent of caramel."
"Ce n'est pas quelque chose de mou, ni de liquide, mais il comprend des consistances variées, perles au goût rappelant la pomme et la consistance des perles du Japon, granité rappelant le goût de citron, très frais, coque d'une matière rappelant le caramel",
You can read more about it in Le Monde, La cuisine, art moléculaire...