Demeter Releases Clover Fragrance for St Patrick's Day (2010)

Clover-Demeter-perfume.jpgDemeter Fragrance Library has created a clover or shamrock fragrance for St Patrick's Day which they promise does not smell "like corned beef or cabbage"...

But instead is "fresh, green and lush." Clover perfumes were once very popular scents in bottled forms starting from the 19th century and are perennial favorites for those who like to enjoy springtime and summertime by staining their clothes green in the grass.

A classic and historical reference in perfumery is Trèfle Incarnat by L.T. Piver, based on a varietal of clover, which was made possible by the synthesis of Amyl Salicylate by scientist Geroges Darzens in 1896.

Demeter perfumes are usually hyper-realistic recreations of real-world smells. They are also affordable scents, available from $6 to $39,50 at

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