When Frankincense Grows with Moss {The 5th Sense in the News}

moss_perfume.jpg Danish startup company TychoBio is developing a new sustainable, green biotechnology to extract needed molecules for the fragrance, beauty and pharmaceutical industries...

Head of the company Nørgaard, 24, explains that it's like growing molecules in a greenhouse,

We reprogram the moss at a genetic level," she explains. "Then we can grow the compounds in the moss and sell them to pharmaceutical companies and fragrance companies."

The process is interesting also because it takes up little space and generates less waste,

We depend on biochemicals for everything from laundry to healthcare. ​​However, many of these chemicals are currently being manufactured in unsustainable ways. Some methods generate large amounts of chemical waste; others take up large areas of land that could otherwise be used to grow crops for food.

Via Fact Coexist - This Re-Engineered Moss Can Grow Perfume--And Even Medicine and TychoBio.

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