Coty Says Lady Gaga Perfume Just a Glint in the Eyes of its Creators {Fragrance News}

After the news or rather rumor apparently started circulating on the net that Lady Gaga was going to launch her own fragrance with Coty, Women's Wear Daily asked Steve Mormoris senior vice president of global marketing for the corporation for a confirmation. Mormoris's answer is "I know nothing of this project,"which could imply that even if you are a Coty insider, you're not omniscient and there might be a secret cell developing the scent unbeknownst to Mormoris. But then to clarify further and lift all ambiguities he added "It is a totally false rumor."...
So, there you have it the rumor is officially killed.
I have to say that it's happened to me that an info on a perfume launch was denied vehemently then confirmed afterwards when they verified it was okay to let me know. But, I don't read minds, so as of today, Lady Gaga is not creating any signature perfume and if she is even thinking about it, it's officially not with Coty.
It would have been interesting to know why Coty (or anyone else) would not find the project attractive as Gaga's celebrity wattage is rather high. Perhaps she is not clean enough? Too close to an Amy Winehouse?